Coming Into The Power of Now
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Everything you seek can be found in the Present Moment. In the Present Moment, there is no judgment, no right or wrong, no good or bad, no better than or worse than, there just is What Is. Accessing the Present Moment is accessing the Power of Now. It is like going through the doorway to the Soul. Passing through that door opens you to a whole new life of possibility, power, bliss and unlimitedness. In the Now, you access the big picture of your life.
Learn to access the Now through this unique and powerful 28 day journey. During this time you will discover the cause of your discord in life by understanding what drives your reactions to life. Experience the difference when you integrate unresolved emotional charges and discover the path that leads to an authentic, joyful life.
During the 28 day period, we will place our consciousness on certain contemplative statements while consciously breathing to activate their energy in our life. While you will be asked to breathe each day, we will meet five times over the 28 days to guide and facilitate your journey into Presence. This is a powerful program and is recommended to those serious about transforming their life.
This program is offered in person but participants can join us via a weekly conference call at a reduced rate. The manual is also available for purchase if you choose to do the program on your own. Based on the work of James Bacon, facilitator of Present Moment Awareness, Conscious Breathing Practitioner and teacher. As Jim asks of those who have completed the 28 day program … “Without the limitations of the past, what NOW?”
Anything is possible! What could be better than this? Join us NOW!