You are here for a reason. Something within these teachings resonates within you a truth that is always true. Whether you are merely curious, seeking deeply or deeply seeking, we know the Ascension Breathing process holds gold for those who engage, commit and practice it. Many are called but few choose to follow through. Whether you choose this path or not, know that you can make no wrong choice.
Either way, we are grateful you stopped by to visit. We hold the following dreams and hopes for you. We hope that you …
• Discover how awesome and amazing you are
• Come to know YOU are the choreographer of your life’s dance
• Learn to create only that which you love
• Learn that when you create something you don’t love, you can forgive yourself, be thankful, bless it and let it go from a place of love
• Discover how to create with conscious attention
• Can let go of attachments and live freely, fully, effortlessly, and abundantly
• Become free of judgment and criticism of others and yourself
• Realize every moment is born anew. It is yet another chance to make a different choice
• Let go of resistance and open to your power and joy
• Love yourself enough to choose YOU
• Keep moving in the direction of your bliss
• Learn to free yourself of the limiting beliefs, thoughts and attitudes that keep you stuck in old, dysfunctional ways of be-ing
• Discover what you believe you CAN achieve
• Know that we are here for you, in whatever way you need us to be
• Know that we believe in you, yes we do
We hold the energy of miracle consciousness for each of you. We see you as a perfect being, created in the perfect image and likeness of God. There is nothing wrong, nothing broken and nothing to fix.
However, we know you may not see yourself in that way or that you may not be as happy, prosperous, hopeful and peaceful as you may want to be. This is the path of every human being who has walked this earth. We have all experienced that. But every moment is a new moment, a new chance to breathe awake a renewed state of being … more alive, more aware, more beautiful than the one before.
We are here to assist you, support you, and guide you to a higher place as you move through your life experience. Won’t you join us?